G-71 Security
- | Cyber Security
- | Threat Detection & Response
- | Unified Threat Intelligence
G-71 Security is an advanced technology for conducting comprehensive leak investigations, encompassing diverse breach scenarios such as those involving screen captures on mobile devices or the mishandling of sensitive text data. The technology leverages a proprietary method of pre-applied, invisible fingerprint for each authorized user, enabling precise source attribution in the event of a data breach.
G-71 Security technology boosts investigation speeds by eightfold and effectively investigates challenging data breach formats, including images of data, screenshots, and printed text excerpts, ultimately leading to a tenfold reduction in financial costs.
1007 North Orange Street 4th Floor #276 WilmingtonWilmington
United States
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In the challenging landscape of insider threat management, where organizations face an average of 24 breaches annually, G-71 Security emerges as a beacon of innovation. With its advanced technology, G ...